venerdì 22 giugno 2012

{Alberto} my brother

My brother was born in February 1994.
I fell in love with him since the first time I saw him, so cute, so little, my little brother.
When he turned three months he started to show some physical difficulties, he could not lift his head, ecc.
Then he had several epileptic seizures after the first round of vaccinations. 
My mother told it to many doctors who do not believe her and reassured her, so she took a lot of video of her little baby in epileptic seizures while she cry ‘cause she doesn’t know what to do. She show these videos to the doctors and they eventually admitted there were a problem.
From then to now he is subjected to a drug therapy that prevents crises but he have many handicap in movements (he walk with difficulties) and he speaks as a child of 4 years.
Up to 14 years went to school with everyone else his age. But a couple of years he attended a school with other teenagers with disabilities in which makes so many workshops, swimming, gym, and rehabilitation.
I really love him, he understand everything, he has a big heart.
He’s really an handsome guy! :) He has a lot of girldfriends xD 

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